Academic Liaison Librarians: Alice Cann

Getting help from your Academic Liaison Librarian

Each Department is supported by an Academic Liaison Librarian. 

If you're a student, we can help you with:

  • finding your way round the Library;
  • searching for and finding literature for your course work;
  • referencing enquires, including RefWorks.

If you're a member of staff, we can support you by:

  • offering module/course specific information skills sessions;
  • purchasing books and journals for your learning, teaching and research needs;
  • helping you make the most of your library.

My guides

Contact Alice

Contact Alice

Alice Cann

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  Book an appointment

Hello, I'm Alice Cann, the subject librarian for business. I'm available to help and provide training on:

  • Literature searching and systematic review
  • Searching for books and journal articles
  • Referencing (using Harvard) and avoiding plagiarism
  • Sourcing market research and secondary data (including Bloomberg)

I work part time, currently Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Thursday mornings.