Academic Liaison Librarians: Joanne McPhie

My Guides

Joanne is the Academic Liaison Librarian for Life Sciences, including supporting students and staff in the divisions of Biosciences, Environmental Sciences, Psychology and Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, as well as students on the interdisciplinary Life Sciences pathway. 

Getting help from your Academic Liaison Librarian

Each Department is supported by an Academic Liaison Librarian.

If you're a student, we can help you with:

  • finding your way round the Library and accessing resources;
  • searching for and finding literature for your course work;
  • referencing enquires, including support with referencing software like RefWorks;
  • troubleshooting access to resources;
  • finding data.

If you're a member of staff, we can support you by:

  • offering module/course specific information skills sessions;
  • purchasing books and journals for your learning, teaching and research needs;
  • helping you make the most of your library.

Please get in touch by email or LibSmart Chat. We can also arrange one to one meetings or online consultations to provide support and guidance. 

Upcoming LibSmart events

The LibSmart programme is the a series of workshops and training sessions designed to improve your academic and digital skills. Below are a selection of some of the upcoming workshops, but you can visit the main page for more information on what is coming up. 

Many more workshops coming up - see the LibSmart Guide for more information.

LibSmart Help

If I'm unavailable, Academic Liaison Librarians are available via the LibSmart Point desk service. 

The LibSmart Point, our drop-in desk, is available between 1-4pm on weekday afternoons (term-time).

We can help with finding research, materials and literature for your assignments, advise on how best to use Library resources, give referencing support and help with dissertations and final year projects.

Or you can pick up top tips in our LibSmart workshop sessions. Take a look and book a session on our LibSmart pages

LibSmart Chat

Opening hours

Academic Liaison Librarians are available between 1pm-4pm, Monday to Friday term-time to discuss queries about using library resources and referencing.

Outside of these times, you can use the Library chat service and your query will be picked up by another member of Brunel Library staff or our friendly co-op support staff, who provide us with 24/7 chat coverage.