Academic Liaison Librarians: Liane Frydland


Hello! My name is Liane Frydland and I'm the Academic Liaison Librarian responsible for Engineering areas - Mechanical and Aerospace, Civil & Environmental, and Chemical Engineering.

My role is to help you learn how to use the information resources we have here at Brunel in order to find information to further your studies or research.  You can email me directly, or book an appointment using the links on the right.  I look forward to helping you find the information you need for your assignments!

For guidance on finding information in specific areas of engineering, check out my guides below.  

My guides

Liane's upcoming LibSmart sessions

Below is a list of my upcoming LibSmart sessions, as well as when I will be on the LibSmart Help desk point on the first floor.

Brunel Plus award

Brunel+ Award

Did you know you can earn 10 credits towards the Brunel+ Award for every LibSmart session you attend?  The points you get go towards the Campus+ aspect of the Brunel+ Award.

Add my times on the desk to your online calendar

Liane Frydland

Liane Frydland
Academic Liaison Librarian for
Chemical Engineering,
Civil & Environmental,
Mechanical &Aerospace Engineering

Quick links

  Book an appointment with me

 Follow me on Twitter 

Follow me on Instagram/Threads

See when I'm on the LibSmart desk

Twitter feed

Note, due to Twitter's (now called X) new rules, you must already be logged into your Twitter account in order to view my feed below, otherwise you will see the "Nothing to see here" message.