Medical Sciences & Physician Associate: Overview


Welcome to the Medical School guide. Throughout the guide's sections you'll find our suggestions for key resources and information in this subject area. Note also that you may have access to the NHS Core Collection via NHS OpenAthens; we have further information on our FAQs. For example: 

What is OpenAthens for the NHS?

How do I sign in to e-Learning for Healthcare?

To get you started, here are the key shelfmark areas for your subject. The floor information is for books; print journals will have the same shelfmark but all journals are on the third floor.

Subject Shelfmark Floor
Medicine (general) R 2
Human anatomy QM 2
Physiology QP 2
Pathology  RB 2
Paediatrics  RJ 2
Pharmacology  RM 2

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Our discovery tool, Library Search, will look for books, journal articles and more in one quick easy search - a great place to start your research. The results list also includes full-text links to subscribed content, like articles and textbooks. 

To search Library 'Search all' you can use keywords relevant to your topic, author names or the title of the source. 


For a more comprehensive search, individual databases offer greater functionality and give full access to a tailored suite of resources for your subject. To find out the database available in your subject, look for your programme in our Subject Guides, or you can view and access all our Databases alphabetically on the Databases A-Z webpage.

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Opening hours

Academic Liaison Librarians are available between 1pm-4pm, Monday to Friday term-time to discuss queries about using library resources and referencing.

Outside of these times, you can use the Library chat service and your query will be picked up by another member of Brunel Library staff or our friendly co-op support staff, who provide us with 24/7 chat coverage.

Contact the Library team

Contact or and the team will respond to your query.


Harvard Referencing


Cite them right: Cite them right is an online resource, accessed via the Library, that contains advice on referencing different sources in the Harvard style. You can access this resource via the Library catalogue or search 'Cite them right' in Library Search