LSEG (Refinitiv) Workspace, now renamed LSEG Workspace, combines exceptional data, news and content coverage with cutting-edge web technology that is fast, light and intuitive. LSEG Workspace provides access to company financial data and economic indicators as well as news, analytics and productivity tools. Full functionality is accessible via the University Horizon software and some capability through web and mobile platforms. The database incorporates both Datastream and which used to be on separate platforms.
Datastream’s easy to use Excel Add-in (only via the Horizon software) allows you to create datasheets with different variables, both static and time series, edit and analyse the results or upload on to analytics software such as EViews and SPSS. All Thomson Reuters functionality and data which was previously accessible via Thomson One/, such as Mergers and Acquisition, Ownership and IPOs is now available in LSEG Workspace.
Due to the high demand for access to LSEG (Refinitiv) Workspace, we have taken the decision to switch from self-registration in favour of requested access. Users are required to contact their Academic Liaison Librarian for access to the database.
Provide your Academic Liaison Librarian with the following information;
Your request will be reviewed and access granted if you meet the criteria. It may be possible that based on the information you provide, you will be directed to a different database that will better serve your purpose.
If access is granted, an email will be sent to you with information on how to activate your account and create a password. Contact your Academic Liaison Librarian of you require further help and support.
Please Note: The information you provide will only be used to create an account for you and record when you will no longer need it. Records will be kept securely and deleted when the account is no longer needed.
Data retention notice and schedule
The Library will store user details in a password protected file, with access limited to members of staff involved in LSEG Workspace license.
Details will include name, email address, department, level, librarian spoken to, reason for use (coursework/dissertation/research project), planned date for the licence to be removed and made available for reallocation.
Records will be deleted at the end of the month following the month which the licence is removed. This will allow time for information to be referred to if a license is needed again soon afterwards.
This retention schedule will be revisited on or before 15th March 2023.
LSEG Workspace is accessible from the Library, in the Financial Resources Suite (BANN 230a). Off-campus access is via the Horizon portal. The user guide (link below) will help you set up Horizon on your device. Log in with your username and password. Academic staff should contact IT Services to have LSEG installed on their device.
Please note that access to the database is allocated on the basis of need due to the limited number of licenses. When a licence is no longer required, it will be removed and reallocated. Reassignment of accounts will be based on recent usage and demand from new users.
Access the guide below for instructions on how to access and use Datastream via the LSEG Excel add-in on Horizon.
Below is a link to the recording for the training held on 16th March 2021
Brunel: Refinitiv Workspace for Students-20210316 1107-1
Password: YfSg8HBW
LSEG Certification will broaden your knowledge of the tools used by the most successful financial markets professionals.
The training resources will help you become proficient in LSEG products. It is designed to allow you learn at your own pace. After completing the required modules, you can request exam tokens to enable you take the test. You will receive a certificate of completion, demonstrating your knowledge to peers and future employers. Additional information and how to access the modules can be found at the Welcome to the Learning Centre.
This box contains links to demonstrations on how to use Refinitiv Workspace for different purposes, recording by Brunel librarians for scheduled training, or following student enquiry.
Videos may start from the presumption that you have access to LSEG Workspace and the Excel add-in set up.