Harvard is one of the most commonly used referencing styles. We recommend you consult the Harvard referencing quick guides below for examples of how to cite and present some common information sources in Brunel Harvard style.
The Cite Them Right platform is also a good place to find advice on the Cite Them Right Harvard style (12th edn). This website offers advice on how to cite and reference in a variety of styles, as well as more general guidance on plagiarism and referencing. You can select Harvard as your referencing style to find up-to-date examples of how to lay out and format sources such as articles, texts and website. You can access this resource by joining Senate House Library, instructions at How do I join Senate House Library? - LibAnswers. Then, when you have your membership number, search for Cite them Right in the Databases A-Z: A-Z Databases: cite them right to access the site.
Cite Them Right is also available as a book shelved at PN171.F56P43 2019 - Pear, R. and Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right. 11th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. However, the advice on the web platform is current.
NOTE: Harvard has variations in style, so:
If your programme uses APA referencing we recommend you consult the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association referencing manual available in the Library:
The APA style blog is also a very useful source of advice: APA Style
For help with referencing in APA style contact the Academic Liaison Librarian for the Department of Life Sciences, Joanne McPhie at joanne.mcphie@brunel.ac.uk
You will also find examples of how to reference common sources like journal articles and text in the APA referencing quick guide below:
Used by History and occasionally Politics. We recommend you consult:
University of Chicago Press, The Chicago Manual of Style. 17th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017).
OSCOLA = Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities
Used by Brunel Law School and occasionally other law based modules within the university.
The OSCOLA quick reference guide can be found at: oscola_4th_edn_hart_2012quickreferenceguide.pdf (ox.ac.uk)
We recommend, however, you consult the main OSCOLA guide as detailed below:
The 8th edition of the MLA Handbook was published in April 2016. Copies are available in the Brunel library collection for you to consult. You should refer to your module guide and/or tutor as regards specific requirements.
IEEE = The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
There are many different referencing softwares designed to help you with your referencing. It is important to remember a few things:
RefWorks is web-based software for collating references and creating bibliographies, subscribed to by Brunel. Using RefWorks can help you manage your references more effectively, keep accurate records, and save you time when producing a bibliography for a dissertation, thesis, or paper.
Brunel's search tool, Summon, will convert your search results to a referencing style of your choice:
Note: these references are only stored temporarily. When you close the browser window, your references will be cleared.
Microsfoft Word has a referencing tool. It allows you to enter bibliographic information about the item you want to reference, and choose your referencing style, including APA 6th edition and Harvard.
Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.
Zotero is a free tool to help you collect, organise, cite, and share your research sources.
Our LibAnswers system contains many FAQs on Library subjects, including referencing. Search our FAQs or see our links to some popular referencing ones.
There are a range of Library Online Learning resources with guidance and, often, activities. These are available for access in Brightspace: