The University introduced CheckIt in September 2014 to allow supervisors and their doctoral researchers to check the final draft of a thesis before examination using specialist software which can be used to help assess originality and academic integrity of a work. It is recommended that submission of your draft thesis to CheckIt takes place at least two weeks before your final submission deadline. As of August 2017, the service uses Urkund software, on the University's digital assessment platform, WISEflow.
From 1 January 2018, CheckIt is managed by the administrators in the Taught Programmes Office in each College, and will no longer be managed by either the Library or Digital Examinations. You should email the administrators in your College at least two weeks prior to formal submission to confirm your intention to submit. You will receive email notification and a link to your submission point in WISEflow. You should upload the final draft in PDF format.
CheckIt will then generate an originality report which will be shared with you and your principal supervisor. Please allow a minimum of five working days for processing, and extra time over University closure periods at Christmas and Easter. Any enquiries about the service should be sent directly to the administration team in your Taught Programmes Office. Technical enquiries about WISEflow can be sent to
Once the principal supervisor has looked at the report and confirmed that they are satisfied with the draft thesis, you can proceed to the next stage of the submission process. Your Programmes Office can advise further on requirements. On successful completion of the examination process an electronic version of the thesis must be deposited in the Library following the processes outlined in the 'After award: Library thesis deposit' section of this LibGuide.
You may also find useful related information in our Theses and dissertations and Copyright and plagiarism FAQs.