Law: OSCOLA Referencing for Law

Legal abbreviations

OSCOLA Referencing

Contact Claire

Contact Claire

Claire Mazer

   Send me an eMail   

  Book an appointment

Hello, I am Claire Mazer, the Academic Liaison Librarian for Brunel Law School and the Division of Politics & History (Department of SPS, including Criminology, MAISS and MPS - Policing).

I can help you with using the Library's print and online resources and queries regarding reading lists. I also help students with referencing (OSCOLA, Chicago and Harvard).

See the 'Claire at the LibSmart Point' box below to find out when I am duty at the enquiry desk, the LibSmart Point (floor 1, Library).

You can also email the Academic Services team for help:  

Please note we do not offer a proof-reading service.