Key Databases / Resources
Search and find UK and EU legal materials such as law cases and legislation. Information is updated regularly. Also access journal articles and some practitioner eBooks.
Oxford Law Trove contains the content of about 200 law e-textbooks across core and optional modules.
Policing Insight is the leading platform to keep up with the latest in progressive policing. It is where the global police and criminal justice community both consume and share knowledge, opinion and analysis. Policing Insight’s subscription community consists of government, policing, third sector, academia and industry, all interested in working towards better policing outcomes.
Policing Insight content consists of news, opinion, research and analysis produced by our editorial team and over 1000 external expert contributors, delivered through articles and reports as well as the hugely valuable Media Monitor service. Media Monitor is a curated daily brief and searchable database of over 71,000 links to articles, reports and research from media, academic and policing and criminal justice organisations. Each link is tagged in detail creating an amazing research database.
Westlaw International Materials, also know as Westlaw Classic, is a global legal research library covering legal, news and business information, case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties and directories drawn from Sweet & Maxwell, Ellis Publications, Carswell and Westlaw. The collection is updated daily.
Also known as Westlaw Edge UK, the Westlaw UK database includes: full text UK, EU and US case law and legislation, including Annotated Statutes; English Reports; and some full text legal journals. An alternative link is available via the UK Federation below.
Westlaw UK also provides access to more than 50 Westlaw Books (look under the Westlaw Edge UK drop-down menu, top left.
The collection is updated daily. NB: If you want to download an article via email, please enter your personal Brunel email address rather than the generic Library email address or you will not receive your copy.
The new Kluwer Law Online platform launched during April 2020 and includes subscriptions to 12 electronic journals with online access from volume one up to the current year. The collection contains material from various jurisdictions, including international arbitration.
The Oxford Academic journals collection includes some of the world's most highly cited and prestigious Oxford University Press journals, in a broad range of subject disciplines.
Split your topic into keywords: To find better and fewer results, think about your keywords. Make sure they accurately describe what you are looking for, and add more keywords to make your search more specific.
Think of alternative keywords: For example, 'young' could also be referred to as 'youth' or 'adolescent'. Or, think of the bigger picture. For example, instead of searching for 'boys' or 'girls', try searching for 'gender'.
Search for phrases in "double quotation marks": For example, "special educational needs". This will search for the phrase as a whole, instead of the individual words.
Select a data range: For example, you may only want literature published since 2010. Most databases have the option to select dates.
For more help see our Finding resources guide, or contact your Librarian.