Mapping data available via the Internet
Below are some links to useful online mapping tools.
- OBGS Geology viewer
Choose from a range of base maps to view the geological make up of the UK.
- BGS Maps Portal
A range of maps from the BGS including geophysical, geochemical, and hydrogeological ones..
- British Geological Survey (BGS)
Maps of the UK on which you can display various "layers" of data, such as bore holes, chalk, clay etc.
- Cambridge air photos
A collection of nearly 500,000 aerial photographs of the UK from the University of Cambridge created from airborne surveys started in 1947.
- Defra Survey Data
LiDAR mapping data from the UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
- EarthExplorer
Mapping data made available via the U.S. Geological Survey. Maps can not be downloaded or purchased, but you can search a variety of data sets for reference purposes.
- Earth viewer
Shows the current waves, wind and aurora, along with pollution data around the world. You can choose from a variety of "projections" of the earth.
- Electronic Property Information Mapping Service (e-PIMS)
- The Electronic Property Information Mapping Service (e-PIMS™) is the central database of Government Central Civil Estate properties and land. It records the precise location of property, along with information such as landlord details, lease data and usage. Users are able to find properties on an electronic map, amend their own property details, and use the system to search for vacant space.
- Flood risk maps 2019
The Environment Agency and lead local flood authorities use these maps to prepare their flood risk management plans from 2021 to 2027.
- GeoSeer
A search engine to help you fine a spatial dataset you need for your GIS project. Includes web sites using the Open GeoSpatial (OGC) standards - Web Map Server (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Coverage Service (WCS), and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) to serve data.
- Google Earth
A view of the land as seen from space satellites - Useful for seeing natural verse man made furniture such as rivers and lakes near population centres.
- HM Land registry
HM Land registry website. Find out who owns a property or land, or take a look at their catalogue of datasets you can use.
- LiDAR finder
Maps created using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology. Allow you to find archaeological features on the Earth's surface which may not be visible via traditional mapping techniques.
- National Library of Scotland > Map images
NLS maps from their various collections, including historical maps going back in some cases to the 17th Century.
- National Underground Asset Register
The initial version of NUAR went live in April 2023 and covers North East England, Wales and London. It includes data from all of the major energy and water companies in these areas, as well as numerous smaller and public sector organisations.
- Ordnance Survey OpenData Downloads
Free maps you can download from the Ordnance Survey.
- Satellite maps
A list of online resources offering satellite imagery, from colour imagery through to weather mapping and land monitoring.
- Statutory main river map
An interactive map showing the "main" rivers in the UK. Published by the Environment Agency
Sources for hardcopy maps
- Admiralty nautical charts
Nautical charts provide a graphic representation of a marine area and adjacent coastal regions, including features such as water depths, navigational dangers, seabed features, aids to navigation, and more.
- The British Library Map collections
A large collection of historical mapping data is available via the British Library reading rooms.
- Ordnance Survey shop
Buy paper maps for specific areas from the Main Mapping authority for the UK, or ask for a custom map to be made.