This page lists all Library databases containing market research reports and statistics. For guidance on which database to use when, refer to the other pages of this guide, on Markets, Companies and Countries, or consult your Academic Liaison Librarian.
Mintel Reports provides access to market research reports and data on lifestyle trends including eating and drinking habits, clothing and footwear.
A global market information database, containing reports and statistics on industries (both consumer and B2B), markets, countries and consumers. You must register with your Brunel email address the first time you use the database. Passport works in multiple browsers, but access problems can usually be resolved by using Google Chrome. A comprehensive help section is available within the database. Also see the Market Research Library Guide for training recording by Brunel librarians on using Passport and other market research databases.
Statista is a leading provider of market and consumer data, covering 170 industries, more than 80,000 topics and a million plus statistics derived from more than 22,500 sources. Export statistics, infographics, publications and reports on areas such as brands, business plans, consumer, country, digital and trends, industry, politics and society.
Mintel Market Sizes (formerly Global Market Navigator (GMN), and Snapshots) provides market data for 22 consumer industries across 54 countries. Search by country and industry or market to produce a customised report. Mintel Market Sizes contains the data previously available in Snapshots, including international reports, too.
Nexis Advance UK provides access to full text access to regional, national and international newspapers, business trade journals, company reports and country reports. (The New platform for Nexis UK was launched on 5 September 2019. This database was previously called LexisNexis Business and News). Lexis Advance also provides full text access to international cases, legislation and journals and some news from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand and United States of America.
Business Databases for Non-Business Students
(Also suitable for any Business Student wanting a refresher)
You may have been asked to design / market a product, create a business plan, or look into a particular industry or sector, and need to know where to locate this information. This session will cover;