Contains full text articles from over 5,800 journals, covering many subjects, including anthropology, politics, political science, psychology, psychiatry, sociology and social work. Coverage includes 450 magazines for news, current awareness and examples of professional practice.
Learning on Screen is a charity whose aim is to make moving image and sound as important in education and research as the written word. This link provides information about their services, including BoB (Box of Broadcasts). The University subscribes to Box of Broadcasts (BoB), a service which works alongside our ERA Licence and allows staff and students to record and access broadcasts, even after they have aired, under the licence terms. Search for Brunel as your home institution. You may need to register and confirm your Brunel email address when you first access the new site. For service issues see the current service status webpage.
This EBSCOhost research database provides access to full text content and abstracts from a comprehensive range of sociology journals, books, conferences and monographs.
Focused on migration to the New World and Australasia during the ‘century of immigration’, this captivating, multi-archive collection provides a wide-ranging and in depth look at the emigration of peoples from Great Britain, mainland Europe and Asia during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Contains unique primary source personal accounts, shipping logs, printed literature and organisational papers supplemented by carefully compiled teaching and research aids.
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is an etymological dictionary which is widely acknowledged as the most comprehensive record of the English language, tracing the evolution and use of more than 600,000 words through 3 million quotations. OED Online gives access to latest text of the full Oxford English Dictionary, the Historical Thesaurus of the OED and enable users new ways to explore the English language: Search for new words by year, decade, or any date range. Set language in context: search by place, language type, and date to discover the impact of world events. OED Online is revised and updated at regular intervals and covers British, American, and other varieties of English, and all types of use, from formal to slang.
OUP offers another English dictionary on its Oxford Living Dictionaries platform but please note it has fewer definitions.
Access to over 220 e-journals published in collections by Sage, with up to 59 years of backfiles where available. Access to more than 700 other journals from 1999 onwards for the titles not included in the collections. A multidisciplinary database, with particular emphasis on the social sciences.
Scopus is the largest ever bibliographic database and indexes over 20,000 titles from science, technology, medicine and the social sciences. This abstract only database is updated daily so it is excellent for identifying the emerging research. Use Article Linker (AL - link to full text) to check for full text online sources.
Indexes journals and conference proceedings in the arts and humanities, social sciences, health, sciences and technology disciplines, providing abstracts to the majority, from 1970 to date. This abstract only database is updated weekly. Use Article Linker (AL) to check for full text online sources.
Split your topic into keywords: To find better and fewer results, think about your keywords. Make sure they accurately describe what you are looking for, and add more keywords to make your search more specific.
Think of alternative keywords: For example, 'typecast' could also be referred to as 'stereotype' or 'categorise'. Or, think of the bigger picture. For example, instead of searching for 'boys' or 'girls', try searching for 'gender'.
Search for phrases in "double quotation marks": For example, "social conflict theory". This will search for the phrase as a whole, instead of the individual words.
Select a data range: For example, you may only want literature published since 2010. Most databases have the option to select dates.
For more help see our Finding resources guide, or contact your Librarian.