A database with over 92 million records of journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters dating fro 1900 to present. It includes several indexing databases in one covering: Social sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Physical Sciences. An extremely good database to use if you aren't sure where to start.
This abstract only database is updated daily. Use Article Linker (AL) to access full-text of articles etc. (where subscriptions or Open Access allow).
Scopus is the largest ever bibliographic database and indexes over 20,000 titles from science, technology, medicine and the social sciences. This abstract only database is updated daily so it is excellent for identifying the emerging research. Use Article Linker (AL - link to full text) to check for full text online sources.
Access to over 220 e-journals published in collections by Sage, with up to 59 years of backfiles where available. Access to more than 700 other journals from 1999 onwards for the titles not included in the collections. A multidisciplinary database, with particular emphasis on the social sciences.
Offers access to the Elsevier digital library, covering over 1,800 publications. Most are available in full text after 1995. The collection is updated daily.
Provides access to 13 Nature branded journals and Oncogene, covering subjects across the life, physical and applied sciences and, most recently, clinical medicine. Content encompasses daily news, expert opinion, practical methodology, and high impact research and reviews.
Wiley's main publishing platform offering over 8 million articles from 1,600 journals covering Agriculture, Aquaculture & Food Science, Architecture & Planning, Art & Applied, Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science & Information Technology, Earth, Space & Environmental Sciences, Humanities, Law & Criminology, Life Sciences,
Mathematics & Statistics, Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry & Healthcare, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Psychology, Social & Behavioural Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine.
If you are working off campus, then don't forget to click the "Access resources off-campus" link on the Library homepage before you open a database or try to access any of our e-resources!