Service Standard: You Said, We Did: Customer Service


Your feedback helps us to improve the Library for everyone. 

We are committed to providing the best experience possible for our students, staff and visitors. Your feedback plays an invaluable role in improving the service. 

Do you have feedback? Tell us what you think. 

You Said / We Did 2023 - 24

You Said... We did...
Please enforce a stricter rule on the computer equipment. Many times, I see keyboards all over the place, mice misplaced, even computers not working or not plugged. As a student this frustrates me as I have deadlines and assignments to do.

We have passed this feedback onto the IT team who are responsible for the computer equipment, including mice and keyboards. They asked us to share the following information: 

We are intending to secure all PC equipment and peripherals with locks. There is a significant cost and resourcing requirement so it will be completed in stages in the coming months with an intended completion date of September 2024. 

In the meantime, the library's customer service staff continue to monitor the computers as part of their environment inspections and log jobs for missing keyboards and mice to the IT team so that they can replace these items. If we the customer service team find a keyboard or mouse near to a computer without one we will reconnect them. For example, on 15/4/24 customer service staff managed to get 8 computers working again and logged a further 30 with the IT Service Desk. 

If you notice any problems with IT equipment, including missing mice or keyboards, or wish to provide feedback to the IT team please email 

I like how each floor is divided into levels of noise permitted. Thank you. This year we've added pull up banners and extra posters to make it easier to see what zone you're in. 
All staff are friendly and accommodating. I regret not knowing her name, but I adore the short brown haired lady who cleans. She is so lovely and always makes me smile. She deserves everything good in this world. She’s the best part of the library. We adore her too! We passed your message onto her :-)
Thanks, library team! Your dedication to maintaining an inspiring and organised space for us is truly appreciated by all. Aww, shucks. We try! 
The library standards are up to the mark. As an international student, I find it really resourceful and it helps with my studies and assignments. Thank you. Our students are important to us and we've keen to know how we can support our international students further. If you have any ideas please send an email to
The best part of the university Don't tell the others, they'll be jealous! But, thank you. 
More comfortable chairs We've actually been testing a few different types of chairs and will be working with central services to introduce them to the library very soon!
A small kitchen Between our different study spaces, teaching rooms and meeting rooms, space is a bit tight in the library. There are kitchens in the Howell Building and Michael Sterling building, and we'll be doing more to promote these facilities within the library. 
The only thing would be to have more study pods We'll be introducing a lot of new exciting furniture to the ground floor very soon, including more study pods! 
Fix the noise of the doors on the second floor. Thanks to Estates for fixing this! 
A section of fictional/best sellers which is updated regularly Our Academic Liaison Librarians are working through a plethora of books donated to us by the CBASS team. In addition to looking out for academic books, they'll also be focusing on fiction and popular titles to add to our collection. 
Love the pods but they are full all the time  Thanks for letting us know. We're now working with Central Services to introduce new pods as part of a furniture upgrade on the ground floor. 
The beautiful helpful teachers at the help desk Thank you for your positive words about our Customer Service staff. After reading so many positive comments about our Help Desk staff we sent them a thank you as part of Employee Appreciation Day. 
Lift, make it work again We're pleased to say that all of our lifts are (at time of writing) working again! 


Your Said / We Did 2022-23

You said... We did...
Many outlets at desks (mainly the ones near the main door on the 2nd floor) don't work Thank you for letting us know.  We have asked our colleagues in Estates to check the sockets. 
Many computers are missing mice, keyboards or both (11/23) Our colleagues in IT have been going through the library, checking computers and adding keyboards and mice. Unfortunately, this problem is largely the result of theft. We have reported the issue to IT again. 
Main door on 2nd floor is very noisy, should be oiled (11/23) We're sorry, this sounds very distracting! We have logged a request with our Estates team to inspect the door. 
Can you please put extra signage/monitoring of shared tables & 3.4c and 3.5. These often become noisy areas in silent zone. (11/23) We're sorry you've been experiencing noise in our silent study zone. This year we've put up a banner at the entrance of the library explaining the different study zones and additional banners by the entrance of each study zone explaining the appropriate noise levels. If you do experience noise in our silent study zone please text +44(0)203 3222298 with the zone and a member of our library security team will investigate. 
I wish the library had more comfortable chairs. The tables are low. I get neck pains after studying for a long time.  We're sorry to hear you've been getting neck pains. We are working with our colleagues in central services to purchase new furniture for the next academic year. If you are studying for a long time please make sure you plenty of breaks. You can find advice on posture and stretches here which may also help if you are having neck pain. 
Please improve the air conditioning system if possible. We really wish we could. Unfortunately, when the library was first opened in 1963 air conditioning systems weren't as common as they are now, and the library wasn't built with air conditioning in mind. We do have air vents which provide fresh air from outside. 
Silence to be maintained in the group study rooms, specially if on third floor. Students are found making noises in their allocated rooms. Group study rooms are designed for collaborative study. In order to reduce disruption there are no group study rooms in the silent study space on floor 3 of the library. However, if you do find someone is creating a disturbance in one of the Group Study Rooms please let us know.
Easy Subject guide should be there on the website for better utilisation of databases Thank you for your feedback. We also think this is a good idea! That's why you can find subject guides on our website under Your Subject Support on our website. If there's anything you'd like to see added to these subject guides please let the Academic Liaison Librarian for your subject know.
There are a lot of things the library offers that I wasn't aware of when I started the year. Thank you for your feedback. We're very proud of the different services we offer and we're doing more to promote them. This year we've hosted tours during Welcome Week, produced a Welcome video for new students, promoted our services on social media, created new easier to read Digital Screen designs to promote our services, delivered a presentation to the Brunel Buddies, re-organised our website and renamed Library FAQs to Help and FAQs to help students find them. If you have any suggestions for how we can make things easier to find, please let us know! 
This is the first institution I've been to in 20 years which does not make free ILL available to staff and students. Thank you for your feedback. I'm happy to say that Brunel Library offers free ILL to staff and students. 2018/19 was the last year that our users had to pay. Since then we have seen a huge increase in the number of of Inter Library Loan requests. We have made a number of improvements to the service, including sending journal documents or links directly to our users so that they don't need to come into the library to collect an article to removing the need for users to register for on demand in order to access electronic documents from the British Library. 
In person contact is good. Sometimes responses lack via email. We have implemented a new quarterly satisfaction rating survey for email responses. Customers will be asked once a quarter to feedback on their most recent enquiry. Many of our teams also review email responses. If you ever feel like you need more information please let us know and we'll be happy to help. 
Sometimes my emails have bounced to another sub-section of the library team. The library service consists of many different teams. Sometimes one team may be better suited to answering specific emails than others, so we may refer emails to a different team. Our priority is in giving our customers the correct information as quickly as possible. 
People at the scan in are harsh with cards. We apologise for any inconvenience regarding the No ID, No Access policy. Students are encouraged to carry Student ID with them at all times when on campus. This ID is vital for entering buildings, labs and rooms across campus including the library. These security measures have helped reduce the number of anti-social behaviour incidents in the library. If you have lost your card you can purchase a new one from the Student Centre. If the Student Centre is closed the library are also able to print replacement cards for a small fee.
Can be easy to get lost when looking for a book. We are aware that some of our signage is out of date and can cause confusion. We are working with Central Service to update library signage. In the meantime, if you're struggling to find a book please ask a member of staff who will be happy to help you find it. 
Make sure that it’s silent, nonsense such as noise stays out of the library  We've found that many of our students have different preferences when it comes to studying. Some prefer silence while others prefer to study together. We have tried to reflect these needs by creating different study zones within the library so that there is a dedicated space for your preferred type of study. If you experience any disturbances in the silent study area please let us know. 
More booths spaces for group studying  We're glad to see students like our study booths! We're working with Central Services to introduce more to the library. Please let us know what you think of our study booths, which ones you prefer, what colours you would like and how large or small you would like them to be so that we can consider your needs when purchasing more. 
Make the library studying places more beautiful  and have more security when there's no quiet. We will be looking to improve the library spaces during our upcoming refurbishment. We currently have 2 security guards present in the library throughout the day and night who respond to noise complaints and rove the library. Please let us know if an area your in is particularly noisy. 
Have more comfortable/ cushioned chairs and private reading spaces. We are working with other teams to prove better furniture in the library. As part of this process we are trailing different chairs and study pods. Please let us know what you think of the different furniture options so that we know what to purchase in the future. 
Change the room booking services, you should be able to book for more than 2 hours, if booking is required. Or not book at all. Our Group Study Rooms are heavily used throughout the day. We have introduced the booking system so that everyone has a fair chance to use the rooms. These rooms are intended for group use and each member of the group has the opportunity to book a 2 hour slot.  
Place water filters inside the library We have water fountains on every floor of the library. In an effort to reduce waste we ask that students bring their own re-usable bottles/flasks. 


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Telephone +44(0)1895 266141

Noise Alert SMS +44(0)203 3222298


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Have Your Say Day Feedback

Brunel Library held it's first ever Have Your Say Feedback Day in 2023. Students were invited to drop in, enjoy a coffee and chat with staff about their experiences with the Library and what they would like to see introduced in future. Below is a selection of comments and how we've responded. 


You Said... We did...
Would like more individual study spaces - like the booths on the ground floor We've introduced more single study spaces on the ground floor and first floor
Kitchen with free coffee and microwave We're dedicated to providing you with as much study and collection spaces as possible. You can find student kitchens in the Howell and Michael Sterling buildings
Would like indoor garden as green spaces are beneficial We've introduced new plants to make the space greener
More chairs We worked with our partners in Estates to purchase an additional 200 chairs.
Small rooms for calls We've introduced a new "phone booth" sized pod on the ground floor that can be used for individual study or phone calls.
The ground floor needs to be a quiet study area. It's important for us to offer a variety of different study spaces. We offer quiet study spaces on the first, second and third floors.
More group study rooms Unfortunately this isn't something we can provide at the moment. However, we will take it into consideration if the Library is refurbished. 
Ground floor is too open and noisy We've made some big changes to the ground floor with new enclosed study spaces. 
Provide essential reading books for each student Unfortunately this isn't something the budget would provide for and every student is encouraged to purchase the essential books for their course. We are advocating for Open Books which would greatly reduce the cost for students.
More group study rooms as they're normally fully booked Unfortunately this isn't something we can provide without a major refurbishment of the building.
More, larger windows Unfortunately this isn't something we can provide without a major refurbishment of the building.
Tea or coffee room The 1966 cafe is located in the same building as the Library and does wonderful tea and coffee!
More comfortable seats We worked with our partners in Estates to introduce new more comfortable seating across the Library. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the new chairs.