Manually adding a publication
While BRAD searches a range of indexing databases and should pick up the majority of outputs associated with an individual user, it may not find all of your publications. As a result you may need to manually input a publication.
To do this, scroll down to the ‘my summary’ section on your BRAD homepage and click on the ‘add’ button. Once this button is clicked a range of publication types will appear. Select the most appropriate type to move through to the next stage.
If you select, for example, to add a new journal article you will be prompted to enter the title or DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of your publication. BRAD will, once again, search external databases for information on the publication. If it finds information then you will have the option to ‘claim’ the publication, but if not you will have to proceed to the manual entry page by selecting the ‘skip’ button.
On the manual entry page you will need to input as much information about your publication as possible before creating a record.
Remember! You still need to deposit a file to allow for the publication to be made open access via BURA. Please see the 'depositing publications in BRAD' section of this guide for guidance on how to deposit.
Claiming a pending publication
You will receive an automated email alert whenever the system has identified new publications which match your search terms. These will be placed in the ‘pending’ section of your records awaiting your approval.
These can be found by scrolling down to ‘my summary’ on the homepage and clicking on ‘pending publications’.
You will then be brought through to a list of pending publications which you can either claim as your own or reject if they have been assigned to you in error.